Health Benefits of Tulsi Tea

…drink everyday for overall health. 

Great day, For me a daily routine is very important to my success.  Part of my ritual is to hydrate after I wake then have a fresh juice and a tea.  The tea helps to warm my insides and enables me to remove morning congestion and inflammation.  These are issues that I have been dealing with.  The base of my tea drink consists of Neem, Tulsi, Ginger and Green tea.  My sister turned me on to Tulsi tea, she was using it for migraine headaches.  So me being me, I did my research and realized this is a tea to drink everyday for overall health.  But it also has some benefits that stand out…

Tulsi tea is the “Queen of Herbs,” also known as Holy Basil is the most sacred herb of India. It is cultivated in Southern Asia, in places like Thailand, India and other Hindu influenced countries. The tulsi plant was discovered over 5000 years ago. Tulsi-tea is considered as an important icon in Hindu culture, and worshiped in mornings and evenings by the people. Because of the significant benefits of tulsi-tea, it is now widely known not only in India but also in the Western World.

Benefits include…

  • Reduce stress
  • Weight loss
  • Get rid of headaches
  • Respiratory benefits
  • Skin and hair benefits
  • Digestive system benefits
  • Cardiovascular benefits
  • Reduce Fevers
  • Dental and oral health
  • Dissolve kidney stones
  • Nervous system
  • Arthritis

All the benefits are great, but I take advantage of the respiratory, stress and the cardiovascular help…

Respiratory benefits-

Tulsi tea does wonders in several respiratory illnesses ranging from things as simple as mild colds and coughs to bronchitis and asthma. Tulsi has immunomodulatory (helps to enhance the immune system), antitussive (suppression of cough) and expectorant (helps in expelling out the phlegm) properties that provide relief in colds, coughs and other respiratory illnesses. Tulsi contains essential oils such as camphene, eugenol and cineole that help in relieving congestion. This herbal tea is loaded with anti-bacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that can help in fighting infections as well as inflammations and allergies of respiratory tract.

Beat stress-

According to studies, tulsi helps in maintaining the normal levels of cortisol hormone in the body, which is also known as the stress hormone. High levels of cortisol make you feel stressed out and anxious. Therefore, by lowering cortisol levels, tulsi acts a natural anti-stress herb.  Moreover, being an adaptogenic herb, tulsi contains anti-stress agents that help in soothing the nerves, fighting free radicals and regulating blood flow in the body.

Cardiovascular benefits-

Tulsi extract found in the herbal tea is abundant in magnesium, which is a vital nutrient required for the prevention of heart disease. The magnesium in holy basil helps our blood vessels work properly. It prevents deposition of cholesterol and promotes free flow of blood, and also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Other antioxidants found in this herb protect the heart from free radical damage.

When I was working as a counselor at a high school and getting up at 5:15 am I started drinking coffee, for obvious reasons.  Since leaving that job I now drink tea.  Tea for me is very therapeutic I use it as a natural health elixir because I refuse to take the medical industries poison.  The options are vast so do your research and live a natural, healthy life.

Homemade All-natural Toothpaste

…I understood that many of the ingredients in the toothpaste that I was purchasing were harmful…

Great day.

Toothpaste one of the most overlooked household products.  Years ago, before I started making my own, I would be on auto-pilot when purchasing toothpaste.  I can’t remember the brand but I would grab and drop.  Then as I started to become conscious of the world around me I understood that many of the ingredients in the toothpaste that I was purchasing were harmful, namely fluoride.  I leave it to you to do your own research.

Once I realized that I started purchasing fluoride free toothpaste, I think it was Tom’s.  That was fine fora while but Tom’s tended to get a bit expensive so an alternative was needed.  You know, many people don’t do things because they think that it will be too hard or difficult.  I don’t have that issue, I love challenges.  The other day I saved myself a few hundred dollars by fixing the oxygen sensor in my car to turn off the engine light before inspection.  I have zero experience under the hood of a car but there is YouTube.

homemade toothpaste video

Anyway I decided to make my own toothpaste, using ingredients that I thought best for a healthy effective toothpaste.  I used coconut oil, thyme, peppermint, licorice and green tea. Here are the benefits of each ingredient…

coconut oil – Coconut oil attacks the harmful bacteria in your mouth. It can reduce plaque buildup, prevent tooth decay and fight gum disease
thyme – Thyme is mainly used as antibacterial +  antiseptic agent because of its active constituents that reduce unwanted bacteria in the mouth.  It can also be used as herbal medication for treating tooth infections and toothaches.
peppermint -The natural antiseptic qualities in mint help to fight bacteria growth and prevent infection. It also contains high levels of antioxidants to help the body repair itself, prevent swelling of connective tissues to promote healthy gums.  It also helps alkalize the body and return the mouth to its normal pH levels, which is important, because it helps to counteract the effects of an acidic environment that causes tooth decay, gum disease, and chronic inflammation. Helps freshen the mouth.
fennel – Can freshen your breath and help fight teeth + gum problems.
green tea – may help promote healthy teeth and gums.   Green tea may actually help promote periodontal health. Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth.
licorice – May cut cavities and reduce gum disease.
So here is what I did and how I made all natural toothpaste:
I was going to make two 4 oz. containers of the toothpaste.
I created a double-boiler, which is a pot of water with a Pyrex measuring cup inside, the idea is create indirect heat.
I then, on low heat, melted 8 oz. of coconut oil.  Keep heat low so not to destroy beneficial nutrients.
While the coconut oil is melting I took a tea bag and added in the herbs.  Maybe half a teaspoon of each then sealed the bag. We will call it an “herb bag”.
Once the coconut oil melted I added in to herb bag to infuse the coconut oil.  The herb bag works exactly like a tea bag.  When in contact with a hot liquid the herbs seep out into the liquid, infusing it,  therefore enhancing the liquid.  So instead of having just the benefits of the coconut oil we now have the addition of the benefits of all the herbs that we added in.  I love the infusing process I do it with most of my products.
Keep in mind not to let water boil or get too hot.  I have a electric stove so I use the smallest burner and the lowest flame.  I will do intervals for 60 – 90 minutes.  I’ll turn flame on for 3-5 minutes, enough to heat the coconut oil, then turn off for 10-15 minutes and repeat the process for, as I said, 60 – 90 minutes. 2018-10-30-13-34-08.jpg
At the end of the 60 – 90 minutes I will squeeze the herb bag to get all the good stuff out then stir the infused coconut oil, let it sit for about 5 minutes before pouring into containers.  Your containers should be sturdy glass like small Ball glass containers.  They should be able to with stand heat.
I then put in the refrigerator for about 20-30 minutes, enough for coconut oil to start to harden.  Now at this point you can be finished or I like to add in some baking soda for added texture to help clean teeth.  I will put in about half a teaspoon stir then put back into the refrigerator until it hardens.
Once it hardens it’s done and you have homemade all natural toothpaste.  Scrap your toothbrush across the “your toothpaste” until you get the amount you want on your brush and then brush.
Well done, good job.  Be Healthy….

Doggie Habits Promote Health….

… all dogs seem to be happy and healthy. 

So I’m sitting outside getting some Vitamin D thru the sun.  The only natural way you can obtain the vitamin is through exposing yourself to the sun.  I’m outside with my dog, Keme Koa, he is also soaking up the rays and as I look at him I reflect back on his instinctive habits.

Keme Koa and all dogs love being in the sun whether laying, sitting or playing.  It’s like the sun energizes them.  When he looks at the sun he smiles so I guess it makes him happy.

The reason I’m even bringing this topic up is because, in my experiences, all dogs seem to be happy and healthy.  It made me think about the routines and habits that dogs own.

First, dogs sleep most of the day.  I would guess to say that they sleep close to 75% of the day. That’s a lot of sleep.  As I said in a blog on natural healing, natural healing, sleep is a time when the body repairs it self.  So if one is sleeping 75% of the day that is a lot of repaired of the body going on.  Definitely a very good

Second, dogs eat, my dogs eat once a day, around 1 – 2x a day.  And they eat the same food everyday while drinking only water.  Wow.  There is a lot in that… Water is vital to life and humans are made up of roughly 70% water so it makes sense to drink plenty of water.  But many of us don’t.  As a fitness coach I have heard excuses like ” I don’t like the taste” or “I don’t have time to drink water”.  So instead liquids with harmful ingredients are consumed.  How about the minimal times dogs actually eat in a day.  I am a firm believer that food can either heal you or harm you so what you ingest is highly important.  But also the digestive system uses massive amounts of the body’s energy to digest food.  Which means that energy is not used for something else like boosting the immune system making one susceptible to infection or disease.  Ok.  I understand that eating the same thing every single day will get unbearable after only three days but let’s look at the advantages of it.  You do not have to think about what to eat.  In my opinion thinking about what to eat is at the top of the decision making mountain followed by what to wear and what to do.  I read that humans only have a certain amount of decision making energy in the day before they get decision making fatigue Simplify your day and reduce decision fatigue.  Many successful entrepreneurs wear the same clothes every day to save that decision making energy for important things. As long as the food nourishes your body all is good.  I have often we live to eat or do we eat to live?  That is an important question.  I would so much rather be able to run around with boundless energy than to sit down to a four course gourmet meal that I can do nothing but sit after finishing it.  When I view television there are so many food shows that glamorize eating. The ingredients are not great for the optimization of the body and the portions could feed a small village for a week.  I think we are caught up in this matrix of living to eat instead of eating to live.  I guess that was a slight vent…Anyway….images

I also noticed how dogs love to play.  It keeps them healthy, young and happy.  If you notice dogs don’t do push ups, lift weights or run miles.  They have fun playing.  First they stretch then they play.  As a matter of fact they stretch a lot, downward dog.

That’s my observation.  It appears to me that maybe the life of a human is way to complicated.  Maybe we need to adopt the simplicity of a dog’s life.  It is said that less is more and in this situation I would agree. Dogs seem to be healthy and happy by having a basic simple lifestyle.  Just something to think about…

My Respiratory Infection Solution

Go all natural for health benefits….

Great day… So I have been dealing with a respiratory infection that was zapping my energy. I am not one to take any kind of medications because I believe they don’t build your immune system but destroy it. So what to do? Go all natural for health benefits.  I started taking oregano caplets, Neem leaf capsules and fresh veggies juices. I am also drinking a lot of thyme leaves, ginger, marjoram, lemon + matcha green powder in a tea.  I can’t forget the sleep with gsleep-benefitsoing to bed early and taking naps.

Neem leaves have detoxifying effects on the body making it a great immune booster and supports clear breathing and a healthy respiratory system.

Oregano also has clear antibacterial properties,  due to the presence of thymol and carvacrol which can defend the body against a wide range of bacteria.  Being a stimulating agent oregano can increase the production of white blood cells and speed up the metabolism, resulting in the faster recovery of common illnesses.  The nutrient-rich oregano, with a high content of manganese, calcium, iron, vitamin K and fiber, makes it an ideal herb for detoxifying the body.

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I made a tea with thyme, ginger, marjoram, lemon + matcha green tea.  Thyme has antiseptic and antibiotic properties that make it an effective remedy for respiratory conditions like coughs and bronchitis as well as colds and sore throats. Packed with vitamin C, Thyme is also a good source of vitamin A and it’s a good source of copper, fiber, iron, and manganese. Thyme is loaded with antioxidants which keep your body healthy by preventing infections and ailments making it a great immune booster.

Ginger is full of antioxidants, anti-fungal and potent anti-inflammatory properties.  Ginger has the ability to fight off bacterial infections as well. Pathogenic bacteria are common culprits behind conditions like urinary tract infections, pneumonia and bronchitis. Untitled design (68)

Marjoram contains various compounds that have effective antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties that can help with the common cold, measles, mumps, influenza, etc.

Fresh lemon loaded with vitamin C helps to hydrate the body, relieve respiratory issues and boost the immune system.

Untitled design (69)Matcha green powder is packed with antioxidants, naturally detoxifies and is rich in fiber, chlorophyll and vitamin C, selenium, chromium, zinc and magnesium.


After about four days, of doing this routine 3-4x a day, I started to fell better.  Prior to this routine I had zero energy and felt terrible.  My body is totally detoxing with productive coughing and multiple trips to the bathroom I am feeling stronger.  I think the most important aspect is the sleep.  When we are sleeping our body is repairing that is why sleep is so vital. Speaking of sleep I’m going to take a nap.  Be well…

My morning meal…


Almost every morning I start the day with a bowl of oatmeal. When I was growing up in Philadelphia, my mom would feed us oatmeal before school and I had to force it down because I didn’t like it. But now knowing the benefits and ease of preparation I have been eating oatmeal happily, for the last seven years.
The benefits of oatmeal are high in fiber, full of antioxidants and a boost of the immune system. These are just a few of the many benefits. Oatmeal is also very easy to prepare. I add almond milk and water to a small pot. I put that pot on the stove with a medium flame. Then I add in the oatmeal and sprinkle in cinnamon. I let my dog out and in about five minutes the oatmeal is ready. I like it creamy with raisins, coconut, pieces of walnuts with some brown sugar. Sometimes I may add bananas or apples to make it heartier. Now, that’s a breakfast!


This is a Dahlia flower from my garden. This is a bumble bee going in to pollinate it. That is its’ tongue that is extended towards the flower. Flowers and plants need the bumble bee to pollinate them. In many countries the bumble bee is endangered and the countryside suffers do to inadequate pollination of certain plants. I designed my garden to welcome the bumble bee by including several flowers that need pollination like the beautiful Dahlia flower.
Food for thought:
The bumble bees’ body is said to be too big for it to fly. Yet it does fly! No one told the bumble bee. “You can do anything you decide to do!!”

Mother Bethel’s A.M.E. Church

Mother Bethel is the first African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) church founded in America, by Richard Allen in 1791.
The site of the church, downtown Philadelphia, is the oldest parcel of land continuously owned by African Americans.
Mother Bethel was an important station on the Underground Railroad and hosted great speakers Fredrick Douglas and Sojourner Truth from the her pulpit.
Today the A.M.E. church is an international denomination with over two million members.